Friday 4 January 2013

Watching your waist - Try this

I have a confession, my name's Lisa (*stands up*) and yes, I like a glass of wine in the evening. It's fairly common for wine o'clock to start in my house once the boys are tucked up in bed. That's my relaxation time and there is nothing wrong with that, except I seem to lack the self control button. The button that lets other people stop at a glass, I on the other hand want to then drink the entire bottle.

As it's a new year, its time for a new start, at least for the next few weeks anyway. I'm sure my halo will slip at some point. I mean, come on, I'm only human. Plus I don't like housework so polishing it is a bit inconvienent. So, as a result of my decision not to partake in the drink of the gods, I need to find a replacement and I need to find one soon.

This is where KOJI soft drinks come in. Kindly, KOJI offered me to try its low calorie soft drink. Low calorie soft drink, I hear you ask? Bonus.

Not only does it taste lovely, it only contains 49 calories per bottle. Now that is a hundred times better for your waist line, than a glass of vino, or bottle in my case. In effect then, drinking this is like killing two birds with one stone. Its a win win situation. It's better for your liver and better for your belly.

The drinks are available in two flavours, Lemon and Ginger and Mandarin and Cranberry and are a sparkling fruit infusion, naturally low in sugar. They are a fantastic alternative to Coke and lemonade which is full of sugar and guaranteed to make a dentist have a coronary if drunk regularly.

This maybe a little bit naughty, but they would be great mixed with a vodka, poured over ice and enjoyed as a long drink on a warm summers night.

See how long did it take me before my thoughts turned to the alcohol which I am meant to be cutting back on.

This Review is based on my own opinion and is no money was exchanged for this post.

Tuesday 1 January 2013

The World is my Oyster

Clearly I had too much to drink last night, the guy at the garage said to me: "You look different today, were you the last to leave the party?" Hmm, was it that obviously I was totally shit faced yesterday evening and spouting all my plans for the New Year.

Quitting smoking, is always top of my list, lets see, we are 14 hours in and I have epically failed at that one...again.

Drinking less is another one of my personal favourites but for some reason, I always seem to spectacularly fail. Perhaps I should change it to drink more, that way I can't lose. I'm convinced at some point today, I will have a hair of the dog, or two, or three. Sod it, I'm going to find the biggest hairiest dog and devour it.

This year though, I want to set some meaningful resolutions that I can stick to. Here is my list:

1. Work harder and smarter. If I don't like your product, or want to review it then I wont. When I started this blogging journey, I took everything going. Now it's my space and I know what works and what doesn't.

2. Stop giving my children snacks just for the peace. I will however still use sweets as a bribe. Let's not lose sight of what's important here.

3. If I choose to have a glass of wine in the evenings, I will not then proceed to wash it down with the entire bottle.

4. Get organised - I sometimes don't know my arse from my elbow. I can no longer think it's a success to leave the house with two kids in tow. I will endeavour not to leave my bag on the pavement when I drive off, or out in public, or at a friend's house.

I will also know where my keys, phone and bank card are at all times. I will not waste anymore precious hours tracking them down.

5. At points this year, I have drank wine and had a good cry - but as of today, I will only be drinking mojitos knowing the world is my oyster. - Thank you Lou, for yesterday's words of wisdom.

New Year, New Start - Hope you all enjoy this year's journey.