The first post is about my personal benefits from Breastfeeding!
When I fell pregnant, I always assumed I would breast feed and luckily I have been able to feed both my boys! It's been a tough but incredibly enjoyable experience which I know isn't for everyone but it really is an amazing experience!
Let me tell you why? Firstly, it's incredibly good for helping to shift some of the baby weight! As it burns so many extra calories you don't need to feel guilty about eating cake, and let me tell you I have eaten a lot of cake. I am considering buying shares in Mr Kipling, as we are almost on first name terms!
Secondly, and in fairness more important than eating cake are the health benefits for you and your baby! Damien didn't even have a spoonful of calpol until he was 8 months old. Dennis on the other hand had bronchilitis at 4 weeks old and the fact I breast fed him made all the difference to his recovery! You are probably aware of the health benefits for baby but it is also fantastic for mummy's health too.
Thirdly, and my favourite reason is the close bond it has created between me and my babies. It really is the best feeling in the world to sit and snuggle and be able to sooth your little bundle whilst he sucks away! It's a lovely feeling to know they need you and that only you can provide the comfort they are seeking! Enjoy it first time round though because If you have a second baby it's is nearly impossible to sit and breast feed in peace! I quite often find myself being used as a human climbing frame for Damien whilst Dennis munches away!
It's also the quickest and easiest way to feed! I love not having to faff about sterilising bottles and making up feeds! You can just wack a boob out and pop your baby on and away you go! You become a one stop feeding machine! Plus the milk is made for your unique baby and your baby alone. It is tailored especially for them to meet all of their needs. Night time feeds are quick and easy and you can have the milk both ready and at the right temperature instantly!
Did I mention you get to eat lots of cake! Yep, see its always on my mind!
Another great benefit of breast feeding and I know this isn't particuarly PC but you do get to sit on your bum and watch a lot of trashy TV. When they are first born and establishing their feeding pattern, you can sit and feed for hours in front of the telly and it's a great excuse to get out of the house work! Probably not one of the benefits most people promote!
In addition you become a master of doing things with one hand whilst your baby drinks! I have been able to feed and play playdoh, cook dinner, eat dinner, have a bath, go to the loo, not recommended though!
I also feel that it is a massive sense of achievement to know you are soley responsible for producing the milk and seeing your baby gain weight! It really is a satisfying experience and knowing you are doing something incredible for your baby really is worth the hard work at the beginning!
My advice would be to set yourself mini goals and congratulate yourself when you reach them. Try and get to a month, then set it to three months and before you know it you will have fed for six months and so on! Just break it down and think that everyday you manage to feed is a great achievement!
To check out other mummies thoughts on feeding please visit the following sites:
In my next post, I will be giving one lucky reader the chance to win a product of their choice from the fantastic Lactivist's website
As well as that, I will also have a stunning Breastfeeding necklass up for grabs from the brilliant Baby Beads, check them out at:
a Rafflecopter giveaway

Fantastic benefits, I find with more than one the easiest thing to do is sit and read with the older child, extremely helpful in our house with six children, someone always need to read a book or help with homework.
ReplyDeleteAs for doing things one handed, I am amazed how much I can do.
And you have to consume cake,its essential !!
Thanks Mandi! I will try the book idea and see if he will sit still long enough! X x
ReplyDeleteThe bond that it gives you with your baby :)
ReplyDeleteIt' really is amazing I think it's my favourite benefit :-)
DeleteMy favourite breastfeeding benefit has got to be the ease of it all; no preparation, just whip out a boob anywhere, any time and there's lunch! Does it get any better than that? I think not!
ReplyDeleteI know it's great, you don't have to worry about forgetting to take a drink out for them! Plus, if you want to stay out you don't have to rush home to make up a bottle. X
DeleteOoh forgot to add the eating extra cake bit to my list of benefits, definitely agree!
ReplyDeleteI have eaten far too much cake today, I feel a little sick thinking about it! X
DeleteThis one is a little selfish but... When DS was young sometimes my partner would look at our son and sayhe's full of Arianwen goodness and it made me feel proud and loved
ReplyDeleteNot selfish at all, I completely get what you mean. It's like when people look at them after a feed and they are milk drunk, I think yep, full on the good stuff! X
DeleteI love that I have time to play with my toddler daughter because i’m not fussing with bottles and formula and sterilising so I can feed her baby brother
ReplyDeleteIt does make life so much easier! How did your toddler react to you feeding. My little boy got very jealous at the beginning and used to shout don't give Charlie aka Dennis milk! X
DeleteLoving the cake reasoning!
ReplyDeleteThe bonding!!! It's truly magical and makes you realise how strong our animal instincts are :)
ReplyDeleteYou can't beat that feeling can you it's something money could never buy! X
DeleteIts free!
ReplyDeleteMajor bonus! X
DeleteIts brilliant because you are not only doing the best for your child and yourself, you are also always prepared, you cant forget anything, you cant get the temperature or mixture wrong and you dont have to walk around the house when you are half-asleep to get a night feed set up. @bcd2009
ReplyDeleteI know and you are never tied when your out or have to rush gone because baby needs their bottle. It's so much more flexible! X
DeleteCouldnt agree more with everyone :) i love that you are providing all that goodnes to your little one and the health benefits for us mummys are great too. The best benefit of all has to be that special time you get together its priceless x